
Hey Im Will, creator of The Bike App.

I first started building this website in 2022.

At the time, I was learning the craft of bicycle framebuilding and was even starting to sell a couple of them.

I decided it would be fun to create my own frame design software to experiment with geometries.

As I began sharing this hobby project with friends, I quickly came aware that people were using it for different reasons than I had intended.

People were not using it to create their dream bike, they were using it to better understand the geometry of already existing bikes: comparing different models and sizes, trying out different components and setting them to different positions.

Basically, people were looking for the answer to a single question: <b>Does this bike setup fit me?

That was not really a surprize to me.

I was always skeptical of the bike manufacturers size chart by rider height. In a world where everyone's proportions, weight and riding preferences differ so much this "cookie cutter" approach to bike sizing didn't make any sens to me.

Since then, I have brought more knowledgable people onboard and, together, we have been commited to help people navigate the complexities of what makes a bike fit them or not.

Hopefully this website can help a few people learn about bikes, find which ones fits them best and enjoy cycling even more!